Dear teacher collegues,
With the new scholastic year having just started, I would like to share/discuss my own classroom experience from the last two years of teaching programming with Ceebot. For this post, I just want to mention two points which i would like to discuss with other teachers:
- From my experience, it is absolutely necessary to have the students systematically fill in the worksheets from the very beginning. Otherwise, they get carried away by the "Ceebot fun factor" and browse far too fast through the first exercises, ending up with no clue in one of the latter exercises.
- I recommend to begin the programming course with several Ceebot exercises and, after a while, to start working with Ceebot and a "real" programming language (JAVA, C++, C#, ...) in parallel. It depends strongly on your students when this parallel teaching should begin. My recommondation is: As soon as you as a teacher get the impression that the students grasp the concept of variables and loops. By then, your students should also have have some debugging experience from the first few chapters in the Ceebot schoolbook.
Much more detailled hints and to suggestions to the individual worksheets in the schoolbook can be found
As this is the Ceebot Schoolbook's "first year in school", I am especially interested in all sorts of feedback and suggestions that arise from classroom experience - of course also in German, this forum is multilingual